
The Technologies Committee – often referred to as the Tech Committee – works to support the exploration of various technologies for conducting archaeological work. Our membership includes students, faculty, and professional archaeologists. We focus our activities around three of the SHA’s six strategic plan goals.
  • Goal 2 centers on “articulating good practices in all areas of historical archaeology.” We seek to contribute to this goal by sponsoring sessions, workshops, and the Technology Room at the annual meetings.
  • Goal 3 seeks to “expand historical archaeology throughout the world.” The Tech Committee works with various individuals and groups around the world, much of this work centers on exploring new applications of emerging technologies.
  • Goal 5 focuses on expanding “public outreach and interpretation.” Many of the technologies written about in our newsletter column and Digital Tools page support students, early career archaeologists, and underrepresented groups in their adoption and exploration of technologies.
Membership in the Tech Committee is open to all members of SHA. We communicate throughout the year to plan activities for the annual meetings. Interested persons should contact the Chair, Ed González-Tennant ( to get involved or for more information.